It’s all fun and games until…

I saw this video on Youtube earlier today. I don’t have any of the backstory, but the dialog is really interesting.

These folks, especially the female who does most of the talking, don’t seem to grasp the seriousness of the situation they’re in. It’s as if they’re all in a video game and there are no real consequences to their actions. Until the crash. How do people get so disconnected from reality?

Smash, grab, repeat…

Once upon a time, I used to work in retail loss prevention. I started out as a store detective catching shoplifters, then I advanced to LP manager where I was responsible for supervising detectives and conducting internal theft investigations. I was in that line of work for twelve years full time and two years part time. I’ve never really regretted my decision to move on to greener pastures, but with all that’s going on today, I’m even more certain I made the right decision.

How the hell do you handle swarms of people smashing display cases, loading up and running out the door? The only thing you can do is call the cops and wait for help to arrive. But these days it seems that help may not be on the way. And what would be the point? Prosecutors in a lot of these jurisdictions where this stuff is happening won’t even pursue the cases. It’s a sad state of affairs, to be sure.

Catch me if you can

Here’s an exciting car chase from San Bernardino County, CA that took place earlier today.

This was some pretty fancy driving. Dude threaded the needle a couple times. The one at 8:40 was especially close. Notice that you don’t see much of the cops. They were smart to hang back. Crowding a guy moving that fast through a busy highway would be too hazardous to the public, not to mention the cops and the suspect himself.

Our would-be Speed Racer would later thread the needle one time too many and clip a big rig, damaging the rear of the car. He eventually got off the interstate and bailed from the car. He was arrested later hiding in a house.

The moral of the story is that you can’t outrun the radio. I don’t care how fast your car is. If you don’t get killed, odds are that the cops are gonna get you.

It was fun while it lasted

I’m not sure where this happened, but this car chase video is an interesting watch.

I love the way the dog starts whining when the siren goes on. Pup wants some action.

Dude thought he was clever enough to beat the cops with some quick reversals. I’ll give him some credit for effort, but he didn’t have enough car to get the job done. It’s not a coincidence that no one in The Fast and the Furious drove a Geo Prizm.

Did you notice that the guy was diligent about using his turn signal? Old habits die hard, I guess.