this day in crime history: march 4, 1944

On this date in 1944, it was the big adiós for Louis “Lepke” Buchalter and two of his henchmen. Lepke Buchalter and Albert “Mad Hatter” Anastasia ran the stable of killers that the media of the day tagged “Murder, Incorporated.” Buchalter, along with Murder, Inc. members Emanuel “Mendy” Weiss and Louis Capone (no relation to big Al), was convicted and sentenced to death for the killing of Brooklyn candy store owner Joseph Rosen. All three men were executed within minutes of each other in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison.

Further reading: – The Last Days of Lepke Buchalter, et al

Wikipedia – Murder, Inc.

5 thoughts on “this day in crime history: march 4, 1944

  1. John D.:
    Sure makes one long for the days of REAL penitentiaries…with REAL executions (instead of this “euthanasia” for criminals…you do THAT to a beloved aged or terminally infirm family pet)

    Wonder how many of those old prisons are still caring or the felons these days?
    (bet’cha not many if any at all)

    The whole Murder, Inc. story is very intriguing.

    Good post.

    Roll safe out there.


    • For a good read on Murder, Inc, check out The Canary Sang but Couldn’t Fly: The Fatal Fall of Abe Reles, the Mobster Who Shattered Murder, Inc.’s Code of Silence, by Edmund Elmaleh. It’s out of print now, but the local library or used book store might have it.


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